Happy Horse Curriculum

The World’s Best Horse Training Program for You, and Your Horse!

10 training modules that solve every challenge you will ever have with your horse. PLUS the Three Level Happy Horse Success Program!

What frustrates you with your horse?

Are you stuck, not making progress and find yourself dealing with the same problems over and over?

Is your horse…


Spooky or tense




Hard to lead or hard to catch


Bites or kicks


Difficult with the vet


Difficult with the farrier


Restless and won’t stand still


Won’t go forward, is lazy


Pulls, rushes, doesn’t stop or slow down


Tosses its head


Pulls against and fights the bit


Avoids the bit, goes behind the vertical

Trouble with the trailer – loading, traveling, unloading or all of the above!

Jigs on the trail


Has trouble around other horses

And… there’s you. Do you:


Have confidence issues or fear


Get frustrated


Get mad


Let your horse take over


Feel out of control


Give up


Feel lost and don’t know what to do next

What if you had an actual way of dealing with these challenges instead of a dreaded sense of “what next”?

I’ll show you how to fix all these challenges and more, but first I want to tell you my story.

Over the past 30 years I have done and/or experienced every problem you have! Even better, I’ve helped thousands of people all over the world successfully fix their problems.

Most programs are very technical in their approach and many people get stuck because it does not serve their real needs. And no matter how passionate or dedicated, they could not get to a higher level unless they were really determined or extremely talented.

Lack of progress is frustrating and it’s not only the average horse owner who does not get the outcomes they need! Is this ringing any bells with you?

I knew there had to be a better way

I thought long and hard about how I could create a training program beyond anything else I’d seen, experienced, or helped create in the past.

Every day I poured over the concepts and developed the details, moving things around, changing the sequence and the names. I tested what I was developing – on myself, my horses, and my students. It had to be better, faster, easier, more empowering, not just a variation of what I’d been doing for the past 30 years.

Hi! I’m Linda Parelli.

30 years ago I fell in love with a cowboy who wanted to change the world of horse training. Over the next three decades together we did just that.

Suddenly everything changed, and I found myself out on my own. It was scary because I did not expect to be starting over at this time of my life. It was also exhilarating because for the first time I was free to develop my own ideas, building on what I had learned rather than playing second fiddle to someone else.

People were not getting the results they should

For several years, despite the amount of information out there, I noticed that many people were not getting the results they should.

ta da!


The Happy Horse Curriculum

Finally, I found the keys. There are 10 things that are important for a happy horse, no matter your goals!

When I ask people about their goals, I often get this response:

“I want my horse to be happy!”

Yes, Me too! But what is a happy horse? What does that look like? How do you create it? And how do you maintain it while meeting your horsemanship, riding and competition goals? You have to start with purpose and a clear analysis: What are your problems?

Take a moment and write down or circle any of the behaviors you see on this chart that apply to your horse…

Next… how could your horse be happier, better – what do you want to achieve? Go ahead, write them down or circle them!

I hope that was enlightening. And did you notice something? Each and every one of the un-happy horse behaviors is solved in the happy horse chart – the heart of the Happy Horse Curriculum!

To be happy, a horse needs you to be a

good leader and a good rider

I’ll bet most of your issues start with a lack of connection.

A disconnected horse is distracted, resistant, emotional… he or she is NOT WITH YOU!

Is your horse lazy, tense, afraid of you, aggressive or hard to control? When leading and riding, is he focused on you… or on the other horses, the barn, the gate, the bushes..?

As I continue to study the relationship between horses and people at a deeper level, I must admit that I am still shocked to discover that MOST PROBLEMS occur because of a lack of mental and emotional CONNECTION.

Why start with connection? If your horse doesn’t want to be with you, not only do you struggle with behavior issues, but progress is slow because there is nothing to build on. To change this for the better, you need to learn how to read a horse accurately, to match its energy, to have a calming or motivating effect. This is about way more than your riding skills or chosen discipline; it’s about understanding the psychology of Horse Behavior and focusing on what your horse needs:


These are just the first four elements you need to transform your success. Remember… I’m here to help you achieve your goals, your dream. I am also an advocate for your horse because if your horse ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy!

All riders should start with connection.


1st Level

The first level in my new curriculum is the Core Behaviors and EVERY horse lover needs to know how to influence these, no matter what discipline or style of riding they do.

2nd Level

The second level then has to be all about Quality – confidence, impulsion and bending.  We’ve all dealt with horses that would be a joy to ride if only they were not spooky, lazy, hasty or stiff!  YOU can fix that! I’ll show you how.

3rd Level

The third level is focused on the critical ingredients of performance.  No matter what you want to do with your horse, how basic or advanced or discipline, you need harmony, agility, purpose, and power.  These modules will help you get them all without your horse losing motivation or getting tense.

Tools & Training to guide you every step of the way through the good, the bad, and the ugly!

I provide you with videos, pictures, and step by step text for each lesson, so you’re never guessing how anything should be done properly. You’ll have self-evaluations to assess where you are and what you need to work on before every module, printable progress charts, training plans, checklists and so much more! It truly is a complete step by step blueprint to a successful partnership with your horse.

Here’s what’s inside the curriculum

Module 1


You will enjoy a horse that is connected to you rather than everything else around. One that is a better learner, performer and partner.

  • The nature of horses
  • What horses need
  • Rewards
  • Too much love, too little love
  • Leadership
  • How to Read a Horse
  • Connection Game
  • Matching energy
  • Stay Back!
  • Come to Me
  • The Connection Game
  • Practical horse-behavior strategies

Module 2


You will enjoy a relaxed horse that is a safer and happier horse free from the tension that compromises training and performance.

  • Trust me
  • Lower the head
  • It’s not a trap
  • Lots of breaks
  • Back-Up to improve trust and respect
  • Stand Still – The Parking Spot
  • Mini & Maxi lateral flexion
  • Mini & Maxi disengagement
  • Horse BEHAVIOR & FIX

Module 3


You will enjoy the feeling of riding a responsive horse one that feels light, soft and a joy to handle and ride.

  • Non-Negotiables
  • Awareness – Who is moving who
  • Lightness – Timing of the release
  • Three ways to go backwards
  • Three ways to go forwards
  • Three ways to move the forehand
  • Three ways to move the hindquarters
  • Lowering the head and neck
  • Stay forward on a circle
  • Go and Park – emotional fitness
  • Coordinating your aids (Headlights)
  • Be ready! (Barking orders)

Module 4


You will enjoy a dramatically enhanced feeling of confidence for confidence is the key to learning and training excellence. More importantly, a confident horse is both happier and healthier.

  • How to build it, how to destroy it
  • YOUR confidence
  • Expose and expand
  • Touch This
  • Jumps
  • Water crossing
  • Trailer loading
  • Best place to be is with me
  • New environments & more!

Module 5


You will understand that Impulsion means “go” and “slow” are in balance. It is the key to good riding and control through understanding rather than force.

  • Balance forwards and backwards
  • Importance of “back up” / rein back
  • Speed control by the numbers (1-4)
  • Transitions between gaits
  • Flow forward
  • Ready to go
  • Ready to slow
  • Downward transitions without pulling the reins
  • Sustain gait
  • Complimentary exercises

Module 6


You will understand that bending and flexion create suppleness, better balance and straightness. It relieves stiffness and develops healthy biomechanics.

  • Fix the Brace (stiffness)
  • Develop flexibility
  • Mini & maxi bends
  • Bit Position – Follow the bit, follow my body
  • Latitudinal Flexion
  • Longitudinal Flexion (stretching)
  • One Rein Suppling
  • Triangle Rein
  • Anchor inside rein (learn outside rein)
  • Flexion Rein
  • Skis and Headlights
  • Leg yield – straight lines & circles

Module 7


You will enjoy achieving a soft feeling in every interaction with the horse, which is a worthy goal. There is nothing more beautiful than the synergistic union of horse and human.

  • The key to harmony
  • I’ll start it, you finish it (Assign the gait, the task, etc.)
  • Invite versus command: I’m doing this, how about you?
  • The secret of invisible aids
  • Bit Positioning (on the circle, in a direction, etc.)
  • Promote willingness
  • Healthy Movement
  • Rhythm and relaxation
  • Flow from this to that
  • Quality assurance – the rider (timing, balance, clarity)
  • Quality assurance – the horse (relaxation, responsiveness)

Module 8


You will understand that agility is the key to mental and physical collection. It naturally produces a state of readiness and develops athletic ability in both horse and rider.

  • Effective position
  • Balance
  • Rapid transitions: Engagement is readiness – Go, stop, back up, right, left, slow, fast…
  • Endless transitions – simple and advanced
  • Turns and circles, big and small
  • Shoulder In / Haunches In / Half Pass
  • Jumps
  • Laterals
  • Flying Changes

Module 9


You will understand that purpose gives horsemanship and riding more meaning. It gives you a goal, keeps you motivated, growing, and makes you a better leader for your horse.

  • The importance of goals
  • How to set and sequence your goals – especially for your horse. What do you want him or her to become? Note: “Happy” is not a purpose, that is about the quality of the relationship, no matter what you do
  • Choose your fun! (Liberty, dressage, jumping, reining, cow-working, trail, bridle-less riding, long-reining…)
  • How to give everything a purpose
  • Pressure versus pleasure
  • How not to get nervous
  • Balance your training exercises

Module 10


You will understand how to use power without force, add brilliance to performance, maximize your horse’s talent and discover the key to positive energy and exuberance.

  • What is power, when do you want/need it?
  • Developing positive power
  • Averting negative power
  • Strength, speed and energy
  • Performance mindset
  • Maintain confidence (relaxation) in performance – (Heart Rate Monitor)

Advance – Achieve – Succeed

Chart Your Progress with the Happy Horse Success Program

Take the official test for each level of the Happy Horse Curriculum. If you are success driven and want professional evaluations, take the next step. The Level tests are designed for each tier of the curriculum and there is a short, specific test for you to perform:

1st Level – Core Behaviors (Modules 1-3)
2nd Level – Qualities (Modules 4-6)
3rd Level – Performance (Modules 7-10)

Now it’s time to track your progress and success…

The secret to achievement in any worthy pursuit is to set a goal, one with frequent benchmarks along the way to check your progress and keep you motivated.

The Happy Horse Curriculum provides you with step-by-step path to becoming a better rider. The Happy Horse Success Program will keep your progress on track, and helps you celebrate your achievements as you advance. See how you are doing compared to your peers or just challenge yourself to improve, either way your horse will thank you for your efforts!

How the Happy Horse Happy Life Success Program Works:

Here’s Proof that the Happy Horse Curriculum Will Help You Achieve Your Goals With Your Horse

If you’ve been searching for a step-by-step blueprint to a successful partnership with your horse, you’ve finally found it.

I am so excited for Linda’s new curriculum as I feel it is something that has been needed in the horse industry for a long time. There are a lot of techniques out there but do people really understand how to solve the problems they may be having with their horses? Can they accurately read their horse and know what to do? Linda’s curriculum will give students, professionals and anyone in the horse industry the answers to all these questions and more! As a Happy Horse Happy Life instructor, I have first hand seen massive transformations in students and horses in a short amount of time with this information. As a student myself, I have a deeper understanding of what I now need to do to take my horsemanship to the next level. The best part is that throughout this whole learning process Linda makes it easy to understand, motivating and the outcome is progress, happy people and even happier horses.

Courtney Crane

HHHL Instructor

I have been reviewing Linda’s program since March. I have had some time to not only utilize the program with my own horses, but teach it as well. Having a path to follow is so important! Linda’s framework is the 10 modules. They can be used both as a way to make a plan for progress as well as diagnostic tools to find our missing pieces so that we can solve our own puzzles. The core behaviors in the first three modules are such a great place to start! They cover a great majority of many of the bumps in the road we commonly encounter as well as give us the strategies we need to develop the partnership we all dream of. Personally, I feel the remaining modules will just be icing on the cake.

These are exciting times. I feel so fortunate to be part of such a remarkably empowering program!

Coach Kristi Smith

HHHL Instructor

Linda Parelli’s new curriculum, How to Talk Horse has been revolutionary for my partnership with my mare. I have had the privilege to be learning directly from Linda for the past seven months so I have been able watch and experience her new curriculum develop over that time. I have studied other natural horsemanship in the past, and this new way of looking at psychology based horsemanship has transformed the way I interact with all horses. The heart of her program helps me to see what is missing quickly, and address the challenge I am having so I can progress towards my goals. Linda is an amazing teacher, and this new system does not disappoint! The pathway on HHHL is laid out in a way that is easy to understand with self-assessments, written examples/explanations as well as tons of videos! This program is designed for every type of learner who wants to take their relationship to the next level with their horse.

Rosie Kerkvliet

Linda Parelli’s Apprentice

Thinking of having a Happy Horse at all times, is a game changer. Having a diagram of Linda’s heart curriculum has been remarkable! I have a clear focus on what is important to my horse relationship and my leadership! I feel I have a better understanding of what to do with whatever horse shows up! Linda gives us the how, why and what to do about it!

As we move up the heart design, you must have each step before you can get the next. I know I must get the Relaxation before I can expect Responsiveness. When that is in check I can build Confidence, Impulsion and Flexibility. This will create Harmony Energy Purpose and Power! She has created a clear picture and it’s easy to understand.

It’s a privilege to watch a Master at work! Linda Parelli is empowering all of us to become better horseman and horsewomen!

Cheryl Almasy

HHHL Member

With the strategy’s from How to Talk Horse, I was able to set my goals and know how to accomplish them! Implementing Linda’s curriculum has transformed my horses! I was struggling with a runaway who felt trapped and wouldn’t stop pulling to get away. Being able to go out every session and check if we have connection, relaxation, and responsiveness; and if not how to get it back to get the most out of our time together has changed the way I see horsemanship! I am beyond thankful for Linda and how she is never complacent with the ways that we can better help our horses. I’m so excited to continue to dive deeper into the curriculum and learn and grow alongside all of you. Just remember, aim for the sky, but move slowly, enjoying every step along the way. It is all those little steps, that makes the journey complete.

Kelaiah Johnston

Linda Parelli’s Apprentice

I am really loving how easy to navigate the modules are!

I am enjoying the flow of videos and text, supported with documents/illustrations. And, what I love most is the mix between psychology and tasks!

It feels like we will create more well-rounded horsemen & horsewomen and therefore happier horses!

Here is to a happy life for horses & humans together!

Thank you for all your hard work!

Elli Pospischil

HHHL Instructor


The results produced by this curriculum are even impressing me! I’m watching horses and people transform quickly, with a lot less effort and a lot less confusion. The goal of each module is clear, and the lessons and exercises are simple yet powerful. As you become a better leader, a better rider and a better communicator, your horse becomes happier!

– Linda Parelli

The How to Talk Horse Curriculum Will Be the Best Investment You Have Ever Made With Your Horse

The curriculum is currently ONLY available to Happy Horse Happy Life members and is included at the Instructor, Mastermind and Achiever Level Memberships.

How to Talk Horse is available to Happy Horse Happy Life Insider members at a $2,000 discount for a one-time payment of $499 which includes a free $50 gift certificate in our online store, or 12 payments of $49.99.

You must be a member of Happy Horse Happy Life first in order to purchase How to Talk Horse – If you are not a member, simply sign up by clicking the buy now button below. The curriculum will be offered to non-members in 2024 for $2,499.


How do I get access?

How to Talk Horse is currently only available to members of Happy Horse Happy Life. It is included at the Achiever and Mastermind levels. You will get immediate access to the course if you join on either of those membership levels.

If you sign up as an Insider ($29.99/month) you can go to the Courses section of the ‘HHHL’ website and will have the option to purchase the curriculum for either a monthly payment or at a discount (plus $50 store credit) with a one time fee.

What exactly do I get?

How to Talk Horse is 10 training modules with video, text, pictures, printable downloads such as self-evaluations, training plans, checklists and more.

Who is How to Talk Horse for?

“Would you characterize the course as a foundational course that would suitable for very beginner horse person, or more as a course appropriate for someone that is already past some certain stage in their horsemanship journey?”

All of the above – because it is horse-behavior focused. So you can do it at a preliminary level as well as advanced and professional.

Do I own the curriculum after payment?

You won’t own the curriculum so to speak, but as long as you remain a member of Happy Horse Happy Life you will retain access to the training curriculum and any updates that we make to it. In 2024 it will become available to non-members who wish to purchase it outright for $2,499.

Why do I need to join HHHL?

We firmly believe that the community we’re creating in HHHL is an integral part of your journey to becoming a better horseman or horsewoman. We want you to be able to ask Linda and our Instructors any questions you might have and share your progress with the rest of the people who are also moving through the curriculum.

Is It Difficult to Monitor Progress with the How to Talk Horse Training Curriculum?

Not at all! Horses tend to respond in different ways initially depending on their happiness factor. Nevertheless, it’s essential for you to keep track of how you’re doing as you embark on your trail rides or whatever other adventures you go on with your horse.

From patting your horse’s withers to basic movement, each module will feature a progress checklist that you can use to keep track of how well you are doing as a team.

If I Just Want to Learn Western Riding, Why Do I Need to Connect With My horse?

If you have behavioral challenges, why does your horse respond the way it does? The mental horse world is much different from the mental space of a human. Even so, in the same way that two humans would need to get on the same page to work together, you will need to mentally align before your horse takes joy in being with you.

Most problems that happen are not simply based on a horse’s nature. It’s like a brown horse, for example, is predisposed to certain behavior.

Instead, it’s rooted in a lack of an emotional and mental connection. Even a riding instructor can initially have challenges with a horse that would rather be anywhere else since there’s no foundation to build on.

There’s more to it than being in the correct position. Understanding how horse psychology works will take you a long way.

What Makes This Curriculum Different from Another Natural Horsemanship Trainer?

What is it about How to Talk Horse that should compel you to choose it over any other natural horsemanship trainer? Well, it’s all about the approach.

While it is important to have a responsive horse that responds well to leg pressure, your training methods shouldn’t come into play until the horse’s needs have been factored into the equation.

The How to Talk Horse approach begins by cultivating the connection between you and your horse. Understand what horses need, the love factor, matching energy, and more. From there, you head to the relaxation element, followed by other modules that build on the structured approach.

Can I Improve My Horse's Power Output During Trail Riding?

Certainly! However, contrary to popular belief, the power output you get whether during trail riding or western riding, is not based on pressure. People tend to think that a horse that’s not delivering in the power department will do so with enough force in the equation.

This couldn’t be further from the truth. No two horses are the same, and cultivating the connection from the ground up is one of the best ways to maximize the animal’s natural pool of talent.

Are The Directions Easy Enough to Follow?

Incredibly so! You’ll get pictures, videos, and text that takes things one step at a time. You’ll never feel out of sorts.

What If I Want to Evaluate My Progress with the Training Techniques After Each Module?

The inclusion of self-evaluations allows you to check your progress and give you an idea of what should be worked on before every new module!

We also offer the Happy Horse Success Program with professional evaluation on the three Levels of the Happy Horse Curriculum, How to Talk Horse. Learn all about it at https://www.happyhorsehappylife.com/success-program/